Roadmap: Integration of waste heat and renewables

This Roadmap will provide youwith information about when, where and how to optimally integrate waste heat and renewables in district heating grids. The (re-)use of waste heatand renewable energy sourcesby feeding it into district heating grids is an essential component of a sustainable and climate-friendly heat supply and is therefore fully in-line with national and international climate strategies like:

  • European Green Deal
  • Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)
  • #mission 2030 (Austria)
  • Energistrategi 2050 (Denmark)

The substitution of fossil fuels like gas, oil and coal due to the (re-)use of waste heat and renewable energy sources does not only have a positive impact on the CO2emissions, but also reduces dependencies on foreign suppliers and thus increases the security of supply.

Please select, if you are interested in the integration of a waste heat source or in the integration of solar heat in a district heating grid.


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The HEATflex project will participate in following events:

Erfa-møde om varmepumper i Fjernvarmens hus, Kolding den 02.09.2020. Læs mere: Program – Erfa-møde om varmepumper – 02-09-2020 (003)

International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, Aalborg on 6-7 October 2020. Learn more: